
Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Celebrating FOUR Years at Double D Challenge

Happy New Year!!!

Can you believe that Double D has been going
FOUR years strong?
When Dar and I first talked of starting this challenge
we never dreamed it would take off like it did
and we have not only our FANTASTICALLY talented design team
to thank, but also all of you that have been with us along the way...
so a BIG THANK YOU to you ALL!!

Being our 4th anniversary we are having a little celebration
with some 
we want to see some poor neglected punches used
and would love it if you could tell us what punch you have used.

We have a pretty 'mood board' to inspire you
and basically it is an anything goes as long as you use a PUNCH somewhere!!

As always, the Design Teams have done an AMAZING job
of inspiration!

Fabulous Designs from Team Diane






And even more Fabulous designs from




You'll want to be sure and click on any DT name 
to go to their personal blogs for more details.

REMEMBER:  We have a fun prize to give away to one lucky player,
which will be chosen by
ALL are welcome to enter ... we will ship internationally!

Today's prize offering is a Lawn Fawn Make Lemonade Die AND Stamp set!

Our rules are listed above (under the header and in our sidebar).
Please read and follow the rules and our theme as well.
It is not required, but we would LOVE to have you follow our blog
and share our blog badge to help spread the word.

In addition to the prize offered,
Top Creative Winner and Top 3 will be chosen by the Design Team.
(Just to be clear ... chooses the prize winner
The Top Creative Winner and Top 3 are
chosen by our Design Team)
Now, it's your turn!!
You have until 8 PM January 12th to enter.
Our winners will be announced on the Tuesday before the start of a new challenge.
Looking forward to seeing YOUR creations ...


  1. Fabulous cards DT folks and Happy New Year to all....awesome Challenge for the New Year, hugs, Lori m

  2. Congrats for your 4 Anniversary ! Cards from Design Team are super cute and beautiful, all of them ! Happy New Year to all... Hugs

  3. Congrats on your 4th anniversary! I always find such wonderful inspiration when visiting here, so here's my toast to another successful year of Double D crafting challenges! Happy New Year!

  4. BIG congrats for your our 4th Blogaversary!!! Yay!! You rock! :D
    Thanks for another challenge!

  5. HAPPY 4th Blogiversary!

    Thank you for the FABULOUS INSPIRATION and new challenge :)

  6. Congrats on 4 years, Dar and Diane. You girls always have something fun and creative up your sleeves. Thanks for lots of fun, inspiration, and friendship over the years.
    Karen Letchworth

  7. Congratulations on 4 wonderful years!!! Your talented designers are the best to motivate us and inspire! Great way to start our new year in pulling out those old punches which I have not used in quite a while!! Thanks for the push!

  8. What? Where did 4 years go? It feels like y'all just started this. I was just talking to someone the other day about the old Martha Stewart punches that we all used to use. I wish I could get a hold of some of the older ones that were gone by the time I came on the paper crafting scene.

    Congratulations on your 4th.

  9. Congrats on 4 years of awesome challenges and inspiration. Gosh, punches. Had to dig them out. Will try and use a couple more before I put them away again LOL. Thanks for this challenge. HUgz

  10. Happy birthday, Darlene and Diane! Four great years and going strong. You're doing a fabulous job!
